Under Code Override - click New File

Select new override and click create

Paste the code from below

import type { ComponentType } from "react"
import { createStore } from "https://framer.com/m/framer/store.js@^1.0.0"
import { randomColor } from "https://framer.com/m/framer/utils.js@^0.9.0"

 * @framerDisableUnlink
 * @framerIntrinsicWidth 100
 * @framerIntrinsicHeight 100

export function withBalancedTextWrap(Component): ComponentType {
    return (props) => {
        const { style, ...rest } = props

        return <Component {...rest} style={{ ...style, textWrap: "balance" }} />

Select withBalancedTextWrap


Example (only visible in preview, not in editor):

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.